L’alphabet martien
of Hélène Smith, medium

Ian James
© November 2010


In the last decade of the 19th century, Swiss medium Hélène Smith had become famous for her automatic writing, which she claimed were communications from Mars in the Martian language. Most interesting is her Martian alphabet, which she used in a consistent manner throughout the period, whilst in a trance state.

The alphabet

The Martian writings use a simple alphabetic cypher. The information here is taken from psychologist Théodore Flournoy’s study of Mlle Smith’s case, Des Indes à la Planète Mars, 1900. The font used here is a regularized form of the original alphabet. Note how the number of letters is less than that of Mlle Smith’s native French.

Martian alphabet
Martian alphabet

Sample texts

These are based on examples given in Flournoy’s book. They spell out phrases of Martian language.

examples of Martian
1 Ramie ponde acami andelir teri
antech iri e vi ana.
riz vi bana mirav ti Ramie
ni Astane. evai divinee.

2 men mess astane c
ames e vi i techli
tes alize neumi
assile ka ianine
ezi atev ni le
tazie e vi mediee
ezine rabris ni ti

3 astane baunie ze buzi
ti di trine nami ni ti
di umeze seimire bi

Hélène Smith on a Surrealist playing card

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This page © Ian James – last modified Nov.14,2010