Connotations of Phonemes in Rootwords
for the Sgai language

Ian James
© 2006–2019


Voiced effort, intention, man-made, ambience of (sonic) support and density, strength, vitality, forceful, active, engine (drive)
Voiceless effortless, unintentional, natural (as against man-made), weak, airy, lightweight, whisper, secret, back­ground, passive
Continuants music, (living) air, lasting, continuous, consistent, extens­ible, reliable, a period, gradual
Semivowels [see Vowels below]
Liquids wandering, pathways, (smoothly) shifting, curving, nearly (touching), posing, the tongue, speech
Fricatives noise, wind, impurity, restriction, friction, rough­ness, hairiness, flow, swirl, hiss, vibration, dragging, stimulation, extending, gradual, on the move
Nasals closing, firmness, certainty, diverting, behind, private, smooth, smell
Discontinuants contact, solidity, earth, physicality, various degrees of hard­ness, an edge (sudden change in contour), encounter, temporary, reticent
Plosives (violent) encounter, banging, knocking, flicking, bursting, explosion, ejecting, suddenness, surprise, heat, potent, ready
Flap flick, quick appearance of solidity, divider, trigger, bounce


Front front, forward, advancing, outer, light, shallow, exposed, unfinished
Rear back, behind, retreating, inner, private, dark, deep, inevitable, heavy
Labial external identity, front door, exit or entrance, seal, holding in, soft clamp, intimate, tactile, (my) mouth, speech, signaling, (no taste)
Dental practical, hard, sharp, edge, inner gate, accepting or barring, row of shields, delight or aggression (simple but extreme expression), biting, separating, crushing, grip, firm, strength, reinforced (by jawbone)
Alveolar antechamber, inner threshold, just hidden, just inside or arrived, squashing, high-pitched, signal
Retroflex/Rhotic   middle, soft peak, pulled back, raised, exploring deeper, under cover, turning, chewing over, thoughtful
Lateral [see Liquids above]
Front velar front, high, firm, thick, confident, from within, caught, savouring, straightforward (not fancy), interior minister
Back velar back door, inner limit, no escape, full retreat, about to consume, crushed, covert, cameral, dim, discreet, inevitable, about to descend, gagging, primal speech
Glottal consumed, within, (to) the depths, inner, bodily, breath, honest, reflex, prior, beginning, source, beyond, invisible, satiation, meal, end


Open vowels loose, large, open, accepting, welcoming, ready to act or devour
Close vowels pressure, confinement, small, fine
Rounding intimate, tactile, (my) mouth, speech, pointing, “this”/“that”, near, exterior, outward, obvious, away from, closing, rounding, controlled opening, curious
Non-rounding broad, grin, taut, pulled sideways, flat, sliding in or out, satisfaction
Front front, forward, advancing, outer, light, shallow, exposed, unfinished
Rear back, behind, retreating, inner, private, dark, deep, inevitable, heavy

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Connotations © Ian James 2006–2014

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