This is a development of the SIGIL script (the 31st version) which features simultaneous positive and negative glyph shapes. The name is coined from Gestalt SIGIL. In the names above, the upper rendition is an inverse of the lower one, after suitably trimming the top and bottom margins. The consonants and vowels are mostly assembled in pairs, so the structure is like a syllabary.
Here are the consonant parts. As with previous versions of SIGIL script, the glyphs are bases to which modifiers may be affixed; but here, there is a voiced and unvoiced version at each consonantal location. For the semivowels /j/ and /w/ and liquids /l/ and /r/ (together the most common even vowels), their glyph is a mirror image of the vowel glyph. Note the glyphs labeled in orange still need to have a fricative modifier added.
For an example of modifier usage, take /p-/:
- with nasal suffix = unvoiced /m-/
- with fricative suffix = /f-/
- with affricate prefix = /pf-/
- with ejective suffix = /p’/
- with final suffix = /-p/, a stop with no following vowel
The final suffix is also used after a nasal or fricative to make it long, and after an even vowel which has no odd vowel following it.
In the non-inverted rendition, there is a gap between the onset consonant and its vowel. The vowel, however, will sit up against the following glyph.
It will be seen in the inverted rendition that the onset consonant is joined to its vowel by an intervening vertical. Here is /ge/ in normal and inverse renditions:
Sample text
This is the Shakespeare transliteration again, for comparison with other versions of SIGIL. This is the inverse rendition:

“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate;
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date.”
And here it is in the positive rendition: