Ian James
© July 2010

script name

This is a development of the SIGIL script (the 26th version) which shows some minor changes from the previous version. Mainly the tails are made more compact. And a ligature system is introduced for affricates.


Consonants are built quite simply by adding articulation modifiers to base locational glyphs. The bases are much the same as before except for H. The Q position is in this version considered a back-vowel variant of K.

SIGIL consonantal bases

The articulations attach in a very regular way, something like assembling from a ‘kitset’.

SIGIL consonantal mods

The stop series of articulations attach to a reversed base, as before. The extended long-fricative tails wrap around a stop tail to form a ‘final’ affricate.

SIGIL consonantal mods


Vowel points are much the same way as before, but there are no final forms.

SIGIL vowel points

Vowel points sit upon voicing bowls. A closed bowl is for rounding. An unpointed bowl has default open-back vowels as shown. For high tone, a tail is attached; this is instead of the interior stroke of the previous version.

SIGIL vowel bowls

Other symbols

Numerals 0-15 remain the same as before. For punctuation there are four levels: spacer, colon, inbreath (comma), in-and-out breath (period). The prefix for proper nouns remains suggestive of the Egyptian ankh symbol.

SIGIL numerals & punctuation

Sample text

This is the Shakespeare transliteration again, for comparison with other versions of SIGIL.

a passage of SIGIL 26 script

“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate;
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date.”

Thai sigil (anonymous image)

All material on this page © Ian James.
Last modified Sep.1,2010