This is another easily written, phonetically constructed script from my Phonological Cypher series. The shapes of the letters are related phonetically, as usual, but here the emphasis is on playfulness of line, and the idea of a “magical” alphabet, perhaps reminiscent of Dee’s Enochian alphabet.
The first chart shows the main series of consonants, formed in a regular featural way, for the most part. Heads and tails of each glyph give indications of articulatory location and manner, respectively. There are compact alternatives for [d] and [g], when the long tail might collide with other letters.
The second chart shows other consonant shape-families, and each letter is related to others in a roughly phonetic-featural way. There is a bar prefix for fricatives, which turns them into affricates, here making [ts] from [s]. The final [t] and [k] are useful glyphs for writing in the Sgai language.
Whether a glyph ends up being a descender or not depends on where its main width or bulk lies best, in the region of the baseline. Sometimes a new letter feels top-heavy, other times it would hang too much of its bulk below the baseline. So even though each shape is clearly a vertical reflection of another, the final usage will always be a question of aesthetics.
As with many of my scripts the vowels are small, to distinguish them easily in the letter-flow. To show nasalization of a vowel, two dots (nostrils?) are written underneath.
This is the beginning of Shakespeare’s sonnet 18 again (transliteration only), for comparison with versions of SIGIL etc. I didn’t expect this to work out very well, what with all the odd angles and curves! But it’s not too bad.

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate;
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date.