Voiced |
effort, intention, man-made, ambience of (sonic) support and density, strength, vitality, forceful, active, engine (drive) |
Voiceless |
effortless, unintentional, natural (as against man-made), weak, airy, lightweight, whisper, secret, background, passive |
Continuants |
music, (living) air, lasting, continuous, consistent, extensible, reliable, a period, gradual |
Semivowels |
[see Vowels below] |
Liquids |
wandering, pathways, (smoothly) shifting, curving, nearly (touching), posing, the tongue, speech |
Fricatives |
noise, wind, impurity, restriction, friction, roughness, hairiness, flow, swirl, hiss, vibration, dragging, stimulation, extending,
gradual, on the move |
Nasals |
closing, firmness, certainty, diverting, behind, private, smooth, smell |
Discontinuants |
contact, solidity, earth, physicality, various degrees of hardness, an edge (sudden change in contour), encounter, temporary, reticent |
Plosives |
(violent) encounter, banging, knocking, flicking, bursting, explosion, ejecting, suddenness, surprise, heat, potent, ready |
Flap |
flick, quick appearance of solidity, divider, trigger, bounce |
Front |
front, forward, advancing, outer, light, shallow, exposed, unfinished |
Rear |
back, behind, retreating, inner, private, dark, deep, inevitable, heavy |
Labial |
external identity, front door, exit or entrance, seal, holding in, soft clamp, intimate, tactile, (my) mouth, speech, signaling, (no taste) |
Dental |
practical, hard, sharp, edge, inner gate, accepting or barring, row of shields, delight or aggression (simple but extreme expression),
biting, separating, crushing, grip, firm, strength, reinforced (by jawbone) |
Alveolar |
antechamber, inner threshold, just hidden, just inside or arrived, squashing, high-pitched, signal |
Retroflex/Rhotic |
middle, soft peak, pulled back, raised, exploring deeper, under cover, turning, chewing over, thoughtful |
Lateral |
[see Liquids above] |
Front velar |
front, high, firm, thick, confident, from within, caught, savouring, straightforward (not fancy), interior minister |
Back velar |
back door, inner limit, no escape, full retreat, about to consume, crushed, covert, cameral, dim, discreet, inevitable, about to descend,
gagging, primal speech |
Glottal |
consumed, within, (to) the depths, inner, bodily, breath, honest, reflex, prior, beginning, source, beyond, invisible, satiation, meal, end |
Open vowels |
loose, large, open, accepting, welcoming, ready to act or devour |
Close vowels |
pressure, confinement, small, fine |
Rounding |
intimate, tactile, (my) mouth, speech, pointing, “this”/“that”, near, exterior, outward, obvious, away from, closing, rounding,
controlled opening, curious |
Non-rounding |
broad, grin, taut, pulled sideways, flat, sliding in or out, satisfaction |
Front |
front, forward, advancing, outer, light, shallow, exposed, unfinished |
Rear |
back, behind, retreating, inner, private, dark, deep, inevitable, heavy |